アップストリームのエンドポイント情報である Service を登録します。
name required | string (Name) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Unicode文字、数字、ハイフン、アンダースコア、ピリオドのみ許可 |
tags | Array of strings (Tags) [ items [ 1 .. 255 ] items ] エンティティを検索するためのタグ |
protocol required | string Enum: "http" "https" Serviceにアクセスするためのプロトコル |
host required | string <= 253 characters Serviceにアクセスするためのホスト名 |
path | string <= 255 characters Default: "/" Serviceにアクセスするためのパス |
port | integer [ 0 .. 65535 ] Serviceにアクセスするためのポート番号 |
retries | integer [ 0 .. 32767 ] Default: 5 リトライ回数 |
connectTimeout | integer [ 1 .. 2147483646 ] Default: 60000 接続タイムアウト秒数 |
writeTimeout | integer [ 1 .. 2147483646 ] Default: 60000 書き込みタイムアウト秒数 |
readTimeout | integer [ 1 .. 2147483646 ] Default: 60000 読み込みタイムアウト秒数 |
authentication | string Default: "none" Enum: "none" "basic" "hmac" "jwt" 認証方式 |
routeHost | string <= 253 characters 自動発行したRouteのホスト |
object (CorsConfig) CORS設定 |
{- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocol": "https",
- "host": "xxx.example.jp",
- "path": "/base",
- "port": 80,
- "retries": 5,
- "connectTimeout": 60000,
- "writeTimeout": 60000,
- "readTimeout": 60000,
- "authentication": "none",
- "routeHost": "site-xxxxxxxxx.stg.apigw.sakura.ne.jp",
- "corsConfig": {
- "credentials": false,
- "accessControlExposedHeaders": "",
- "accessControlAllowHeaders": "",
- "maxAge": 0,
- "accessControlAllowMethods": [
- "GET",
- "POST",
- "PUT",
- "PATCH",
- "HEAD",
], - "accessControlAllowOrigins": "*",
- "preflightContinue": false,
- "privateNetwork": false,
- "protocols": "http,https"
{- "apigw": {
- "service": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocol": "https",
- "host": "xxx.example.jp",
- "path": "/base",
- "port": 80,
- "retries": 5,
- "connectTimeout": 60000,
- "writeTimeout": 60000,
- "readTimeout": 60000,
- "authentication": "none",
- "routeHost": "site-xxxxxxxxx.stg.apigw.sakura.ne.jp",
- "corsConfig": {
- "credentials": false,
- "accessControlExposedHeaders": "",
- "accessControlAllowHeaders": "",
- "maxAge": 0,
- "accessControlAllowMethods": [
- "GET",
- "POST",
- "PUT",
- "PATCH",
- "HEAD",
], - "accessControlAllowOrigins": "*",
- "preflightContinue": false,
- "privateNetwork": false,
- "protocols": "http,https"
{- "apigw": {
- "services": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocol": "https",
- "host": "xxx.example.jp",
- "path": "/base",
- "port": 80,
- "retries": 5,
- "connectTimeout": 60000,
- "writeTimeout": 60000,
- "readTimeout": 60000,
- "authentication": "none",
- "routeHost": "site-xxxxxxxxx.stg.apigw.sakura.ne.jp"
登録した Service の詳細情報を取得します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
{- "apigw": {
- "service": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocol": "https",
- "host": "xxx.example.jp",
- "path": "/base",
- "port": 80,
- "retries": 5,
- "connectTimeout": 60000,
- "writeTimeout": 60000,
- "readTimeout": 60000,
- "authentication": "none",
- "routeHost": "site-xxxxxxxxx.stg.apigw.sakura.ne.jp",
- "corsConfig": {
- "credentials": false,
- "accessControlExposedHeaders": "",
- "accessControlAllowHeaders": "",
- "maxAge": 0,
- "accessControlAllowMethods": [
- "GET",
- "POST",
- "PUT",
- "PATCH",
- "HEAD",
], - "accessControlAllowOrigins": "*",
- "preflightContinue": false,
- "privateNetwork": false,
- "protocols": "http,https"
登録した Service の詳細情報を更新します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
name required | string (Name) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Unicode文字、数字、ハイフン、アンダースコア、ピリオドのみ許可 |
tags | Array of strings (Tags) [ items [ 1 .. 255 ] items ] エンティティを検索するためのタグ |
protocol required | string Enum: "http" "https" Serviceにアクセスするためのプロトコル |
host required | string <= 253 characters Serviceにアクセスするためのホスト名 |
path | string <= 255 characters Default: "/" Serviceにアクセスするためのパス |
port | integer [ 0 .. 65535 ] Serviceにアクセスするためのポート番号 |
retries | integer [ 0 .. 32767 ] Default: 5 リトライ回数 |
connectTimeout | integer [ 1 .. 2147483646 ] Default: 60000 接続タイムアウト秒数 |
writeTimeout | integer [ 1 .. 2147483646 ] Default: 60000 書き込みタイムアウト秒数 |
readTimeout | integer [ 1 .. 2147483646 ] Default: 60000 読み込みタイムアウト秒数 |
authentication | string Default: "none" Enum: "none" "basic" "hmac" "jwt" 認証方式 |
routeHost | string <= 253 characters 自動発行したRouteのホスト |
object (CorsConfig) CORS設定 |
{- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocol": "https",
- "host": "xxx.example.jp",
- "path": "/base",
- "port": 80,
- "retries": 5,
- "connectTimeout": 60000,
- "writeTimeout": 60000,
- "readTimeout": 60000,
- "authentication": "none",
- "routeHost": "site-xxxxxxxxx.stg.apigw.sakura.ne.jp",
- "corsConfig": {
- "credentials": false,
- "accessControlExposedHeaders": "",
- "accessControlAllowHeaders": "",
- "maxAge": 0,
- "accessControlAllowMethods": [
- "GET",
- "POST",
- "PUT",
- "PATCH",
- "HEAD",
], - "accessControlAllowOrigins": "*",
- "preflightContinue": false,
- "privateNetwork": false,
- "protocols": "http,https"
{- "message": "Bad Request"
登録した Service に対して、公開するエンドポイントとして Route を登録します。
各 Route の認証設定は全て Service の設定に準じます。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
Create a route
name required | string (Name) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Unicode文字、数字、ハイフン、アンダースコア、ピリオドのみ許可 |
tags | Array of strings (Tags) [ items [ 1 .. 255 ] items ] エンティティを検索するためのタグ |
protocols required | string Enum: "http,https" "http" "https" Routeにアクセスするためのプロトコル |
path | string <= 255 characters Routeにアクセスするためのパス |
methods required | Array of strings (HTTPMethod) non-empty Default: ["GET","POST","PUT","DELETE","PATCH","OPTIONS","HEAD","CONNECT","TRACE"] Items Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT" "DELETE" "PATCH" "OPTIONS" "HEAD" "CONNECT" "TRACE" RouteにアクセスするためのHTTPメソッド |
httpsRedirectStatusCode | integer Default: 426 Enum: 301 302 303 307 308 426 HTTPSリダイレクト時のステータスコード |
regexPriority | integer [ 0 .. 255 ] Default: 0 パスを正規表現で指定した場合の優先度 |
stripPath | boolean Default: true リクエストのパスからルートのパスを削除するかどうか |
preserveHost | boolean Default: false リクエストのHostヘッダーを保持するかどうか |
requestBuffering | boolean Default: true リクエストのバッファリングを有効にするかどうか |
responseBuffering | boolean Default: true レスポンスのバッファリングを有効にするかどうか |
object (IpRestrictionConfig) IP制限 |
{- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocols": "http,https",
- "path": "/",
- "methods": [
- "GET",
- "POST"
], - "httpsRedirectStatusCode": 426,
- "regexPriority": 0,
- "stripPath": false,
- "preserveHost": true,
- "requestBuffering": false,
- "responseBuffering": false,
- "ipRestrictionConfig": {
- "protocols": "http,https",
- "restrictedBy": "allowIps",
- "ips": [
- "",
- ""
{- "apigw": {
- "route": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "serviceId": "04c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocols": "http,https",
- "path": "/",
- "host": "example.com",
- "methods": [
- "GET",
- "POST"
], - "httpsRedirectStatusCode": 426,
- "regexPriority": 0,
- "stripPath": false,
- "preserveHost": true,
- "requestBuffering": false,
- "responseBuffering": false,
- "ipRestrictionConfig": {
- "protocols": "http,https",
- "restrictedBy": "allowIps",
- "ips": [
- "",
- ""
Service に登録した Route の一覧を取得します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
{- "apigw": {
- "routes": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "serviceId": "04c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocols": "http,https",
- "path": "/",
- "host": "example.com",
- "methods": [
- "GET",
- "POST"
], - "httpsRedirectStatusCode": 426,
- "regexPriority": 0,
- "stripPath": false,
- "preserveHost": true,
- "requestBuffering": false,
- "responseBuffering": false
Service に登録した Route の詳細情報を取得します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
{- "apigw": {
- "route": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "serviceId": "04c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocols": "http,https",
- "path": "/",
- "host": "example.com",
- "methods": [
- "GET",
- "POST"
], - "httpsRedirectStatusCode": 426,
- "regexPriority": 0,
- "stripPath": false,
- "preserveHost": true,
- "requestBuffering": false,
- "responseBuffering": false,
- "ipRestrictionConfig": {
- "protocols": "http,https",
- "restrictedBy": "allowIps",
- "ips": [
- "",
- ""
Service に登録した Route の詳細情報を更新します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
Update a route
name required | string (Name) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Unicode文字、数字、ハイフン、アンダースコア、ピリオドのみ許可 |
tags | Array of strings (Tags) [ items [ 1 .. 255 ] items ] エンティティを検索するためのタグ |
protocols required | string Enum: "http,https" "http" "https" Routeにアクセスするためのプロトコル |
path | string <= 255 characters Routeにアクセスするためのパス |
methods required | Array of strings (HTTPMethod) non-empty Default: ["GET","POST","PUT","DELETE","PATCH","OPTIONS","HEAD","CONNECT","TRACE"] Items Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT" "DELETE" "PATCH" "OPTIONS" "HEAD" "CONNECT" "TRACE" RouteにアクセスするためのHTTPメソッド |
httpsRedirectStatusCode | integer Default: 426 Enum: 301 302 303 307 308 426 HTTPSリダイレクト時のステータスコード |
regexPriority | integer [ 0 .. 255 ] Default: 0 パスを正規表現で指定した場合の優先度 |
stripPath | boolean Default: true リクエストのパスからルートのパスを削除するかどうか |
preserveHost | boolean Default: false リクエストのHostヘッダーを保持するかどうか |
requestBuffering | boolean Default: true リクエストのバッファリングを有効にするかどうか |
responseBuffering | boolean Default: true レスポンスのバッファリングを有効にするかどうか |
object (IpRestrictionConfig) IP制限 |
{- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "protocols": "http,https",
- "path": "/",
- "methods": [
- "GET",
- "POST"
], - "httpsRedirectStatusCode": 426,
- "regexPriority": 0,
- "stripPath": false,
- "preserveHost": true,
- "requestBuffering": false,
- "responseBuffering": false,
- "ipRestrictionConfig": {
- "protocols": "http,https",
- "restrictedBy": "allowIps",
- "ips": [
- "",
- ""
{- "message": "Bad Request"
Service に登録した Route を削除します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
{- "message": "Bad Request"
登録した Route に対してアクセス可能な Group を登録します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
isACLEnabled required | any Value: false 認可設定を無効にする |
{- "isACLEnabled": true,
- "groups": [
- {
- "id": "1183b70d-70af-4e49-8af5-2a629b5c1b30",
- "name": "name",
- "enabled": true
{- "message": "Bad Request"
Route に登録した認可情報を取得します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
{- "apigw": {
- "routeAuthorization": {
- "id": "1183b70d-70af-4e49-8af5-2a629b5c1b30",
- "name": "name",
- "enabled": true
Route から Service へ転送する際にリクエスト内容を変換する設定を登録します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
httpMethod | string (HTTPMethod) Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT" "DELETE" "PATCH" "OPTIONS" "HEAD" "CONNECT" "TRACE" 変換するHTTPメソッド |
object (RequestAllowDetail) | |
object (RequestRemoveDetail) | |
object (RequestRenameDetail) | |
object (ResponseModification) | |
object (ResponseModification) | |
object (ResponseModification) |
{- "httpMethod": "GET",
- "allow": {
- "body": [
- "string"
}, - "remove": {
- "headerKeys": [
- "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- "string"
], - "body": [
- "string"
}, - "rename": {
- "headers": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
], - "body": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
}, - "replace": {
- "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "body": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "add": {
- "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "body": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "append": {
- "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "body": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
{- "message": "Bad Request"
Route に登録したリクエスト変換情報を取得します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
{- "apigw": {
- "requestTransformation": {
- "httpMethod": "GET",
- "allow": {
- "body": [
- "string"
}, - "remove": {
- "headerKeys": [
- "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- "string"
], - "body": [
- "string"
}, - "rename": {
- "headers": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
], - "body": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
}, - "replace": {
- "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "body": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "add": {
- "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "body": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "append": {
- "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "queryParams": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "body": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
Route から Service へ転送する際にレスポンス内容を変換する設定を登録します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
object (ResponseAllowDetail) 許可するJSONのキー | |
object (ResponseRemoveDetail) | |
object (ResponseRenameDetail) | |
object (ResponseReplaceDetail) | |
object (ResponseModificationDetail) | |
object (ResponseModificationDetail) |
{- "allow": {
- "jsonKeys": [
- "string"
}, - "remove": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headerKeys": [
- "string"
], - "jsonKeys": [
- "string"
}, - "rename": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headers": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
], - "json": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
}, - "replace": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "json": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "body": "string"
}, - "add": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "json": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "append": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "json": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
{- "message": "Bad Request"
Route に登録したレスポンス変換情報を取得します。
serviceId required | string <uuid> Example: 7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba ServiceID |
routeId required | string <uuid> Example: 02c6abbd-0c12-42e5-8d90-7eea021028d9 RouteID |
{- "apigw": {
- "responseTransformation": {
- "allow": {
- "jsonKeys": [
- "string"
}, - "remove": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headerKeys": [
- "string"
], - "jsonKeys": [
- "string"
}, - "rename": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headers": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
], - "json": [
- {
- "from": "string",
- "to": "string"
}, - "replace": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "json": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "body": "string"
}, - "add": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "json": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "append": {
- "ifStatusCode": [
- 100
], - "headers": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "json": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
認証情報を設定する User を登録します。
User のIP制限設定は、Route にIP制限が設定されていない場合に機能します。
Create a User
name required | string (Name) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Unicode文字、数字、ハイフン、アンダースコア、ピリオドのみ許可 |
customID | string カスタムID |
tags | Array of strings (Tags) [ items [ 1 .. 255 ] items ] エンティティを検索するためのタグ |
object (IpRestrictionConfig) IP制限 |
{- "name": "name",
- "customID": "example_custom_id_123456",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "ipRestrictionConfig": {
- "protocols": "http,https",
- "restrictedBy": "allowIps",
- "ips": [
- "",
- ""
{- "apigw": {
- "user": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "customID": "example_custom_id_123456",
- "groups": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "ipRestrictionConfig": {
- "protocols": "http,https",
- "restrictedBy": "allowIps",
- "ips": [
- "",
- ""
{- "apigw": {
- "users": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "customID": "example_custom_id_123456",
- "groups": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
登録した User の詳細情報を取得します。
userId required | string <uuid> Example: 67f57741-ac25-433a-8d7a-8778711b4a2c UserID |
{- "apigw": {
- "user": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "customID": "example_custom_id_123456",
- "groups": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "ipRestrictionConfig": {
- "protocols": "http,https",
- "restrictedBy": "allowIps",
- "ips": [
- "",
- ""
登録した User の詳細情報を更新します。
userId required | string <uuid> Example: 67f57741-ac25-433a-8d7a-8778711b4a2c UserID |
Update a user
name required | string (Name) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Unicode文字、数字、ハイフン、アンダースコア、ピリオドのみ許可 |
customID | string カスタムID |
tags | Array of strings (Tags) [ items [ 1 .. 255 ] items ] エンティティを検索するためのタグ |
object (IpRestrictionConfig) IP制限 |
{- "name": "name",
- "customID": "example_custom_id_123456",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "ipRestrictionConfig": {
- "protocols": "http,https",
- "restrictedBy": "allowIps",
- "ips": [
- "",
- ""
{- "message": "Bad Request"
登録した User が所属している Group の一覧を取得します。
userId required | string <uuid> Example: 67f57741-ac25-433a-8d7a-8778711b4a2c UserID |
{- "apigw": {
- "groups": [
- {
- "id": "1183b70d-70af-4e49-8af5-2a629b5c1b34",
- "name": "name",
- "isAssigned": false
登録した User を Group に所属させます。
userId required | string <uuid> Example: 67f57741-ac25-433a-8d7a-8778711b4a2c UserID |
Update a user group
isAssigned required | boolean UserがGroupに所属しているかどうか |
id required | string <uuid> GroupのID |
[- {
- "isAssigned": false,
- "id": "1183b70d-70af-4e49-8af5-2a629b5c1b34"
{- "message": "Bad Request"
User に登録された認証情報を取得します。
userId required | string <uuid> Example: 67f57741-ac25-433a-8d7a-8778711b4a2c UserID |
{- "apigw": {
- "userAuthorization": {
- "basicAuth": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "userName": "userName"
}, - "jwt": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "key": "key",
- "algorithm": "HS256"
}, - "hmacAuth": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "userName": "username"
User に認証情報を登録します。
userId required | string <uuid> Example: 67f57741-ac25-433a-8d7a-8778711b4a2c UserID |
object (BasicAuth) 各Entity共通のモデル | |
object (Jwt) 各Entity共通のモデル | |
object (HmacAuth) 各Entity共通のモデル |
{- "basicAuth": {
- "userName": "userName",
- "password": "password"
}, - "jwt": {
- "key": "key",
- "secret": "secret",
- "algorithm": "HS256"
}, - "hmacAuth": {
- "userName": "username",
- "secret": "secret"
{- "message": "Bad Request"
新しい Group を登録します。
Group は User を分類し、アクセス制御を管理するために使用されます。
Create a Group
name required | string (Name) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Unicode文字、数字、ハイフン、アンダースコア、ピリオドのみ許可 |
tags | Array of strings (Tags) [ items [ 1 .. 255 ] items ] エンティティを検索するためのタグ |
{- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
{- "apigw": {
- "group": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
登録した Group の詳細情報を取得します。
groupId required | string <uuid> Example: ac8a3fb3-0354-4917-9a3d-c5dc5ab50869 GroupID |
{- "apigw": {
- "group": {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
登録した Group の詳細情報を更新します。
groupId required | string <uuid> Example: ac8a3fb3-0354-4917-9a3d-c5dc5ab50869 GroupID |
name required | string (Name) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Unicode文字、数字、ハイフン、アンダースコア、ピリオドのみ許可 |
tags | Array of strings (Tags) [ items [ 1 .. 255 ] items ] エンティティを検索するためのタグ |
{- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
{- "message": "Bad Request"
登録した Group に所属している User の一覧を取得します。
groupId required | string <uuid> Example: ac8a3fb3-0354-4917-9a3d-c5dc5ab50869 GroupID |
[- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "customID": "example_custom_id_123456",
- "groups": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "name",
- "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
], - "tags": [
- [
- "tag1",
- "tag2"
{- "apigw": {
- "plans": [
- {
- "id": "b69f7bfe-1d8f-48bb-8b85-b47359366e48",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "name": "ベーシックプラン",
- "price": 1000,
- "description": "description",
- "maxServices": 10,
- "maxRequests": 20000,
- "maxRequestsUnit": "day"
選択したプランで API Gateway の契約内容を更新します。
planId | string <uuid> プランID |
{- "planId": "7c8d78bc-e4a3-4600-b70a-f5fe802dc1ba"
{- "message": "Bad Request"